Georgstraße 48, 30159 Hanover - Germany
+49 (0) 511 3573560

Category: BGH

German Commercial law, Company law, Agent law, Business law, Corporate law, Finance law, Sales representatvive law, Transport law, Shipping law, CSIG, INCOTERMS, Tax law, European Commercial law

Introduction to the German Commercial Code: HGB

How is the Commercial Code structured? The most important legal source of commercial law is the Commercial Code (HGB). In addition, the general provisions of the German Civil Code (BGB) also apply. The Commercial Code comprises a total of five books and is structured as follows: Book I (§§ 1-104a HGB) includes, among other things,…
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Commercial law consequences in case of an identity theft – latest BGH Decision

BGH: Unfair commercial act in the case of unauthorised request for payment in the case of identity theft BGH, Judgement from 20.10.2021 – I ZR 17/21 Facts of the case The plaintiff is a consumer protection association registered in the list of qualified entities within the meaning of Section 8 (3) no. 4 UWG. The defendant…
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